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Mold Removal & Remediation in LaGrange

ServiceMaster technician during mold remediation in LaGrangeFungi thrive in damp areas with access to organic matter for consumption. But toxic mold is not a ‘fungi’ you want to have around your house. It takes trained and certified professionals to safely eliminate the source. This is why the experts at ServiceMaster Restoration Services - LaGrange have extensive training in mold removal.

We utilize the most effective technologies alongside time-tested mold remediation techniques. Our technicians are fully prepared to come to your assistance and get the job done. We can eliminate a mold infestation regardless of how big or small the undertaking is.

Have you’ve become suspicious that you have mold growing in the home? It’s always safest to call in a professional to conduct testing. A certain level of mold always exists indoors and outdoors. But, if mold happens to be a toxic infestation, you’ll need to act fast to prevent property and health hazards.

need mold removal in LaGrange? call(706) 397-4238 orcontact us online now!

    watch out for the Warning Signs of Mold Growth

    When is Mold Remediation Required?

    Mold is a type of fungus that can grow both indoors and outdoors. Mold spores are tiny and can be found in the air, on surfaces, or in soil. When mold spores land on a wet or damp surface, they start to grow. Mold can cause health problems, such as respiratory infections, skin rashes, and headaches. Mold can also damage your home, causing rot and structural damage.

    If you see mold growing in your home, it's important to take action right away. The longer mold is left to grow, the more damage it can cause.

    Mold remediation is the process of removing mold from your home. This can be done yourself, but it's often best to hire a professional.

    If you're not sure whether mold is present in your home, there are some signs to look for:

    • Smelling a Strange Odor: The odor will typically be musty or mildewy. It certainly won’t be a normal scent you’ll be used to throughout your property.
    • Visible Mold Growth: Due to the thousands of mold types, it can grow in multiple colors including green, black, white, gray, orange, pink, or purple.
    • Water Leaks or Condensation: Have you’ve noticed that condensation seems to hang around? Do you have persistent water leaks? It’s highly likely that mold has begun growing nearby. High levels of moisture or water damage almost always contribute to mold growth.
    • History of Flooding: Does your property has a history of flooding due to location or malfunctioning HVAC? Perhaps your sump pump has malfunctioned? There’s a solid chance that mold lies somewhere hidden (especially if the flooding wasn’t tended to immediately).
    • Physical Symptoms of Mold: Your body may be the key indicator that mold is growing nearby. You could experience frequent headaches, dizziness, or symptoms of an allergic reaction. If someone in your home suffers from asthma, they may be having more onset asthma as well.

    If you see any of these signs, it's important to call a professional mold remediation company. Our team at ServiceMaster Restoration Services - LaGrange will be able to test for mold and remove it from your home.

    If you're wondering,"When is mold remediation required?" give us a call at (706) 397-4238 today to talk to a mold removal specialist.

    Mold Removal vs. Mold Remediation

    ServiceMaster expert performing an inspection before mold removal

    If you’ve found mold in your home, you’re likely wondering whether you need mold removal or mold remediation services. But what’s the difference between the two?

    Professional Mold Removal

    Mold removal is pretty straightforward. It involves finding the source of the mold, removing the source and all the mold, and cleaning the area to prevent the mold colony from growing back or spreading.

    When mold gets out of hand, mold removal may not be enough on its own. Mold remediation will likely be necessary.

    What Is Mold Remediation?

    In the simplest terms, mold remediation is a rigorous process used to identify, remove, and sanitize all harmful mold growth in your home.

    Mold remediation involves the following:

    • Mold inspection, assessment, and testing
    • Mold containment to make sure spores won’t spread to new areas during the mold removal process
    • Mold cleanup, removal, and air filtration
    • Removing any mold-infested materials that can’t be cleaned
    • Sanitizing the site of the mold colony and any surrounding areas

    Our mold remediation experts will also advise you on how you can prevent mold growth going forward.

    Mold remediation is essentially a deep clean that takes mold removal a step further.

    Can I Remove Mold Myself?

    Do-it-yourself mold removal or remediation isn’t a good idea.

    Here are just a few reasons why:

    • You could be dealing with a very toxic type of mold: Even if you have a good idea of what mold you’re dealing with, unless you’re a licensed professional, then it’s hard to know for sure. Stay on the safe side for your and your family’s sake. It follows that you should never try to remove black mold by yourself — it is very toxic to humans.
    • It can be bad for your health: Breathing in mold means breathing in a toxic substance. In fact, mold exposure could result in anything from headaches, sinus problems, and fatigue to aggravated asthma, fungal infection, and bronchitis.
    • You may end up making the problem worse: Home remedies (from tea tree oil to baking soda and vinegar, to bleach) will simply not cut it for mold removal and remediation. Professional cleaning solutions are a must. What’s more, mold spores may become airborne when you try to clean the mold yourself, starting a brand new mold colony.

    At ServiceMaster Restoration Services - LaGrange, we will take care of your mold damage problem for you — and we’ll do it quickly and effectively.

    How Much Does Mold Removal Cost?

    The cost of mold removal depends on a number of factors and will vary significantly from case to case. Considerations include:

    • How much mold needs to be removed
    • What type of surface the mold is growing on
    • The location of the mold

    For example, a small isolated patch of mold on some drywall will cost less than a more widespread mold infestation located behind your walls. The scope and extent of the problem will influence the final cost. To get a more precise idea of the costs you may be looking at for your specific situation, give us a call today to request a mold inspection and a detailed remediation quote.

    GET BACK TO NORMAL WITH THE HELP OF our experts. CALL us at(706) 397-4238, orreach out online to discuss how we can handle mold remediation in your home

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