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Comprehensive Mold Removal in Bloomington, IN

Expert Mold Inspection and Safe Removal Services

Removing mold from your business or home when found is essential as mold is a hazardous substance that can cause several risks such as structural damage, lingering odors, and worst of all severe health risks.

At ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning - Bloomington, our team is highly specialized in all mold treatments and provides professional mold removal services to ensure that your building is safe from the risks posed by mold.

Our Mold Remediation Services in Bloomington

  • Mold Inspections
  • Mold Testing
  • Mold Removal
  • Mold Remediation

For reliable mold remediation and removal in Bloomington, IN, call us at (812) 393-2329 or contact us online today.

Advanced Mold Treatment and Prevention

From removing mildew damage, conducting mold inspection, or providing mold remediation, our team will work alongside you throughout the entire process using advanced techniques and equipment to identify, contain, and remove any traces of mold from your property.

With our team of mold specialists, you can expect us to help protect your health, home, and business from the dangers posed by mold.

When is mold remediation required?

Mold remediation is a critical step when it comes to preserving the safety and integrity of a home or other indoor structure. Whenever mold is discovered on the premises, it is important to take action quickly in order to ensure that it does not spread further throughout the space.

This can become especially dangerous when mold begins to accumulate in previously undetected locations, since it can cause serious health risks and physical degradation over time if left unchecked. Thus, prompt and appropriate remediation measures should usually be taken whenever visible signs of mold growth are observed in any area of a living or working space.

What is the Mold Remediation Process?

Mold remediation identifies, removes, and prevents mold growth in an indoor environment. The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Damage assessment: Our technicians inspect the affected area to determine the extent of the damage, identify any underlying sources of moisture that may be contributing to the growth, and develop an appropriate remediation plan.
  • Containment: This involves setting up physical barriers to limit the spread of mold spores during the remediation process.
  • Removal: Our experts use specialized techniques and equipment to safely remove mold from the affected area.
  • Cleaning & disinfecting: We use specialized cleaning agents to remove any remaining mold spores and disinfect the affected area to prevent further growth.
  • Repair: We repair or replace anything damaged during the remediation process.
  • Prevention: We will identify and address any underlying sources of moisture that may have contributed to mold growth, as well as recommend preventive measures to keep the area free from future infestation.
  • Post-treatment monitoring: We will perform regular inspections to ensure the remediation was successful and no new mold growth has occurred.

While these are the basic steps involved in a mold remediation project, it’s important to note that each situation is unique and may require a different process to ensure successful remediation. Contact ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning - Bloomington for more information.

Discover Our Mold Remediation Expertise in Bloomington, IN

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